Speaker Announcement: Tim Gore, University of London Institute in Paris, France

Tim Gore, Chief Executive Officer of the University of London Institute in Paris, France, will be presenting a keynote titled “Knowledge sans Frontières” at The Paris Conference on Education (PCE2022), which will be held alongside The Paris Conference on Arts & Humanities (PCAH2022), June 16-19, 2022.

To participate in PCE/PCAH2022 as an audience member, please register for the conference.

The presentation will also be available for IAFOR Members to view online. To find out more, please visit the IAFOR Membership page.

Speaker Biography

Tim Gore
University of London Institute in Paris, France

Tim Gore, University of London Institute in Paris, FranceTim Gore is Chief Executive Officer of the University of London Institute in Paris (ULIP). He has held senior leadership positions in career postings in France, UK, India, Jordan, Dubai, Singapore and Hong Kong with experience in higher education; cultural relations; diplomacy and commercial enterprise. He has worked closely with a range of government organisations in the countries he has served in receiving the OBE for his work in India-UK bilateral relations while he was leading the British Council’s education work in India. ULIP has been a part of Franco-British academic relations since the end of the 19th century and is in a unique position as a research-led British campus in France offering a range of UK degree programmes. Tim recently co-authored The Evolution of Transnational Education with Routledge publishers.


Knowledge sans Frontières

The global knowledge community can be justifiably proud of some of the achievements of the last few years. Vast undertakings have attempted to grapple with knotty problems that do not respect national boundaries. Two prominent examples are the work on understanding and combating both climate change and COVID-19. Universities and their knowledge communities are crucial actors in this space and how successfully they engage in such globalised undertakings will affect us all.

Universities are unique institutions with remarkable longevity, their origins date back many thousands of years. Universities pride themselves on global engagement and their ability to cross frontiers. However, they are not global institutions in themselves as they remain tied in complex ways within national boundaries and preoccupations and are themselves buffeted by forces and challenges that are difficult to navigate. What are the challenges and opportunities facing universities and their epistemic communities? How can they better address the building and sharing of knowledge that benefits global development and all of society?

This talk looks at the nature of universities and their international strategic approaches; it considers how knowledge is created and shared through research and higher learning and teaching but also how it is threatened by events in the environment surrounding them and their own strategic or ad hoc decisions. Some ways forward and promising developments will be considered.

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